On this episode, Zack’s short story centers around a son dealing with his late father, and this launches a discussion on one one of mankind’s longest held traditions: funerals. Do we need them? Is it an archaic method of self-punishment, or a necessary celebration of the life of a loved one?
The Missing Lunchbox
This week’s story, ‘The Missing Lunchbox’, follows one lucky SOB who has just won a $1.5 million jackpot. Everything should be turning up roses…until his daughter is kidnapped. What should he do? Who could he turn to? Most importantly, would you pay the ransom? Find out on an all-new episode of the podcast, SMIRK!
April Fools
On the episode, we begin with Aaron’s short story on a woman’s life as it takes a final turn: a dead husband, fingers pointed in her direction, and a best friend willing to save her life. This tale then leads us into a discussion on that weirdest of holidays: April Fool’s Day.
A Murder of Crows
For this episode, we take another stab at an improvised round table story full of left turns and laughs. We begin with a murder of crows, which spirals in hijinks, despair, and possibly the undead. You don’t want to miss this episode…of Smirk.
Live Mas
Four friends, out late, decide to make a stop for a 4th meal when all hell breaks out. Why is it that some friends can always turn a dire situation somehow fun? We discuss this, and a whole lotta Taco Bell on “Live Mas”, the latest episode of Smirk.
The Shot Heard Round The World
Troops are approaching a small town. A tiny band of brothers, a militia of sorts, prepares to defend it. A single shot rings out that changes the course of the war. On this episode, Zack’s story propels us into a discussion on what defines heroism, and when to take a stand.