This week, Amanda has a story to share revolving around a mother, children, and something potentially sinister invading their new home. After her horrific tale, we engage in a spirited discussion that leads to many avenues none of us quite expected.
Barking Mad
On this episode of Smirk, Aaron tells a tale revolving around two friends, Dwayne and Jake. When a relative calls needing their help, things take a turn for the worse. The ensuing events depicted in the story immediately lead to an enlightening discussion.
Come On, Eileen
On this episode of Smirk, Amanda takes us through a story revolving around three friends embarking on an adventure of chaos and joy, before ultimately sparking a spirited discussion on where the road takes them.
On this episode, Zack delivers a story revolving around James and Will, two co-workers who quickly become the closest of friends. Every time they’re together, no topic is off-limits, no discussion is out of reach. Until, something…changes.
The Trail
Aaron has a story in mind that revolves around the characters of Ethan and Wade. Two men who live their lives isolated, trapped in their own imaginations. When one of them sparks an idea that could lead to adventure, they find their world changed forever. Why does Ethan make his choice? Where will this “Trail” ultimately end? Find out on this episode, of Smirk.
Reach for the Stars
Magic. Wonder. Endless possibilities. This week, Amanda tells a story about a young boy, who imagination has awoken a spark of sorts. By the time she hits the hyperdrive to reach her moral, we will all recall that blinding innocence we held as a child.